TSCNET Whistleblower Channel

We believe in mutual trust and transparent communication. Adherence to laws, internal rules and ethical standards is the basis for our sustainable success. Therefore, we expect all our employees and business partners to comply with applicable laws, regulations and our high ethical standards at all times.

TSCNET provides an internal platform for the reporting of potential compliance incidents in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz). Compliance incidents may be reported by all persons who work for TSCNET or who are in contact with us in the course of their professional activities or who obtain information about a compliance violation within TSCNET in a professional context.

All compliance incidents can and should be reported. This applies in particular but not limited to potential violations of our TSCNET Code of Ethics and Business Conduct or other compliance related offenses such as inter alia criminal or regulatory offenses, conflicts of interest, violations of data protection laws and regulations, violations of IT security laws and regulations or violations of the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

Third-party compliance violations that are directed against TSCNET, such as theft, fraud or attempted bribery by business partners, can also be reported via this Whistleblower Channel.

Reports about general grievances and complaints as well as incidents that did not occur in a professional context or are not compliance related will not be processed through our Whistleblower Channel.

You may file a report confidentially and securely via the online form that is available in English and German language under the following link: https://sicher-melden.de/tscnet