Cooperation and collaboration across European borders
We serve our shareholders and customers while, cooperating transparently with the other European RCCs. Located in Munich, we are perfectly located to service our market.
In accordance with the EU Clean Energy Package and its European Market Regulation and in line with applicable Network Codes and Guidelines an appointed RCC is obliged to operate up to sixteen services. TSCNET is one of the leading RCCs in Europe.

- Customers and Shareholders
- Customers
TSCNET Services is owned equally by 16 power transmission system operators from 12 European countries.

Our shareholders are:
- 50Hertz, Germany
- Amprion, Germany
- Austrian Power Grid AG (APG), Austria
- Creos, Luxembourg
- Czech Transmission System Operator (ČEPS), Czech Republic
- ELES, Slovenia
- Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava (HOPS), Croatia
- MAVIR, Hungary
- Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), Poland
- Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava (SEPS), Slovak Republic
- Swissgrid, Switzerland
- TenneT, Germany
- TenneT, The Netherlands
- Transelectrica, Romania
- TransnetBW, Germany
- Vorarlberger Übertragungsnetz (VUEN) GmbH, Austria
- Chairman, Zoltán Tihanyi (HOPS)
- Co-Chairman, Frank Reyer (Amprion)

Cross-border cooperation is key
Working closely with high performing transmission system operators to make them even more efficient and successful.
There is a huge dependency between European electricity grids. We take on the complex task of coordinating the security of these to secure the reliable supply in Europe.
Meeting the challenges of the energy transition and society’s quest to achieve ambitious climate targets calls for even closer cooperation between national TSOs and RCCs across the whole of Europe.
Transmission system operators organize the coordinated secure operations of their grids and the capacity management of the bidding zone borders among their grids within so-called System Operation Regions and Capacity Calculation Regions, both formally approved by competent Regulation Authorities. Regulation foresees building the cooperation on harmonized rules and procedures for each of such regions, to be applied by both, TSOs and RCCs.
TSCNET is one of two RCCs assigned to the System Operation Region Central and the Capacity Calculation Regions Core and Italy North, next to the RCC Coreso. Furthermore, we assume the RCC role for the Capacity Calculation Region Hansa, together with Nordic RCC.
As energy regulation naturally is a European matter we cooperate and collaborate closely with European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity” (ENTSO-E) , other RCCs and energy regulation authorities.