Our Services

For maximum grid security in Europe

We keep improving our service mindset – to grow with our customers and shareholders

We enable coordination across European borders

What we Provide

Customised service solutions

Our work is based on network codes drafted under the EU’s Third Energy Package and on the Clean Energy Package. They define the common standards and principles on the basis of which the RCCs and the TSOs cooperate.

In addition to the mandatory core services, we provide numerous additional services for our customers where required. In many cases, we also provide our customers with secure direct access to our databases as a reliable resource for their own calculations.

Our services and guidelines are to be expanded and optimised as required in the future, using a more detailed grid model and new security analyses methodologies.

We need to be ready to tackle the new energy sector requirements that inevitably are on their way. We look forward to it.
Uwe Zimmermann
Managing Director

EU energy market legislation

Second Energy Package

​Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 ‘Conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity’

Third Energy Package

2 Directives and 3 Regulations (especially ‘Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003’)

Clean Energy Package​

‘Clean Energy for all Europeans’ (COM(2016) 0860) package to implement the Energy Union (energy efficiency, renewable energy, design of the electricity market, security of electricity supply and governance rules for the 2030 horizon)

Services in operation

CGM – Common Grid Model
Ensures a common data model of the transmission grid for security coordination. Considers the entire European Electricity transmission system. Establishes the necessary calculation basis for all other services and relevant scenarios.
OPC – Outage Planning Coordination
Ensures Transmission assets are safely installed and maintained week-ahead and year-ahead coordination of scheduled outages of network elements. Detection of incompatible outage scenarios and recommendation of potential remedial actions.
CCC – Coordinated Capacity Calculation
Ensures market is provided with transmission capacity. Identifies cross-border transmission capacities to be allocated to the market for different capacity calculation regions: Italy North, Core, Hansa. Iterative process on four-time horizon: Year-Ahead, Month-Ahead, Day-Ahead, IntraDay.
CSA – Coordinated Security Analysis
Ensures secure transmission system after market operation. Identifies potential insecure network situations and recommends potential remedial actions to eliminate congestions and other security violations. Iterative process on two-time horizons: Day-Ahead, IntraDay, more than 100.000 calculations per year.
STA – Short Term Adequacy
Evaluates whether available generation can supply consumption week-ahead until day-ahead identification of lack of generation. Consideration of production availability, demand, transfer capacities and security limits.
Post Analysis
Carrying out post-operation and post-disturbances analyses and reporting.
Defence & restoration support
Supporting the consistency assessment of TSOs’ defence plans and restoration plans.

Services under implementation -
based on the EU Clean Energy Package

Supporting the coordination and optimisation of regional restoration as requested by TSOs (If / to the extent delegated to the RCC​).
Training and certifying staff working for RCCs
Supporting TSOs identifying Needs for additional / upgraded transmission capacities or alternatives
Regional sizing of reserve capacity
Facilitating regional procurement of balancing capacity
Calculating the max. entry capacity available for the participation of foreign capacity in capacity mechanisms
Supporting TSOs in the optimisation of inter-TSO settlements (If / to the extent delegated to the RCC​)
Carrying out tasks related to the identification regional electricity crisis scenarios (If / to the extent delegated to the RCC​)
Carrying out tasks related to the seasonal adequacy assessments (If / to the extent delegated to the RCC​)

Comprehensive service portfolio

Analytics & Reporting Services

It is our aim to deliver services to the highest standard possible. We evaluate if design of a new or modified service meets the requirements and can be operated to the highest standard possible. We then discuss these results with our clients to form the basis for decisions on final design and operational requirements of new tasks assigned to us. Once implementation begins, the design, deployment and testing activities require multi-partner project management expertly run by TSCNET. We also take care of business intelligence and operational reporting and related analysis to measure the quality of our services. And of course we also perform the legally required implementation of regulatory and compliance reporting according to the Network Regulation (EU) 2017/1485, EU 2015/1222 or EU 2019/943 to external stakeholders such as ENTSO-E, Regulation Authorities and our clients.

We support Transmission System Operators (TSO) in securing a sustainable power system

Our service mindset is unique and through an End to End thinking paired with a solid ITIL approach we capture and deliver the best possible service to our partners and customers.

Mario Princip

Head of Service Development

Keep learning

TSCNET Academy

The services in our industry constantly develop and improve, so we offer our customers’ the opportunity to train the optimal use of our service. TSCNET has developed a training concept for TSO employees and TSCNET staff in the form of face-to-face training and e-learning solutions.