CorNet Milestone: CGM Go-Live

On 1 December 2024, CorNet, the co-operation programme between Coreso & TSCNET, reached an important milestone: the CGM, the first operational task on the RCC Service Platform, went live!
The CGM, also known as the Common Grid Model, represents the European electricity network and was developed by merging TSO Individual Grid Models (IGMs) using the common European Merging Function (EMF). By enabling operational coordination, this go-live will contribute to ensuring the security of electricity supply on a European level.
Coreso and TSCNET monitoring report Central Europe SOR
EU 2019/943 Art. 46
Year 2023

Coreso and TSCNET have a long operational history in supporting the regional coordination of operational planning for their shareholders, the electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in Europe. TSCNET and Coreso collaboration started 10 years ago as a voluntary cooperation of the TSOs.
With the progress of the regulatory framework, Coreso and TSCNET were established formally as Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs). RSCs perform services for the TSOs, such as operational planning security analysis, outage planning coordination, coordinated capacity calculation, short-term and very short-term adequacy forecasts, and a common grid model with hourly updates.
Maximum Entry Capacity Report 2024

Maximum Entry Capacity in accordance with Article 26(7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity.
Recommendation to the TSO 2024
Coreso and TSCNET monitoring report Central Europe SOR

Coreso and TSCNET have a long operational history in supporting the regional coordination of operational planning for their shareholders, the electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in Europe. TSCNET and Coreso collaboration started 10 years ago as a voluntary cooperation of the TSOs.
With the progress of the regulatory framework, Coreso and TSCNET were established formally as Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs). RSCs perform services for the TSOs, such as operational planning security analysis, outage planning coordination, coordinated capacity calculation, short-term and very short-term adequacy forecasts, and a common grid model with hourly updates.
Regional Coordination Assessment Report

ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, has published its Annual Report on Regional Coordination Assessment. This fulfils the obligations under Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017 / 1485. The report was prepared by the ENTSO-E Monitoring and Reporting Working Group using a jointly developed template. It contains the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the services provided by the regional coordination centers (RCCs) and is in turn based on the reports of the European RCCs.
The KPIs were collected using the common pan-European tools and the individual templates of the RCCs. In 2022, the pan-European Common Grid Model (CGM), Outage Planning Coordination (OPC) and Short-Term Adequacy (STA) tasks were operational according to the methodology approved by the regulators.